Thursday, September 11, 2014

Coconut Oil Benefitslating

Heat : Medium - high
Type Of Oil :90 percent saturated fat
Smoke point :350 F
Flavor : Mild,distinct smell
Good for : Baking
Health Benefits : Antiviral.antibacterial properties

Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Friday, September 5, 2014

Avocado Oil

Heat : High

Type of oil : Monounsaturated
Smoke point :510`f
Flavor :Mild,neutral
Good for :Popcorn
HealthBenefits:High in vitamins A,B1,B2,D and E
Contains Vitamins A,D, and E
Moisturizes deeply
Perfect for dry and aging skin

Avocado Oil Benefits
Nature`s Best Anti-aging Moisturizer!
Contains Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free radicals and slows the signs of aging.

Hydrates the skin,leaving you with a healthy,non-greasy glow that doesn`t clog the pores

Stimulates collagen production and improves skin elasticity

Reduces the appearance of age spots and helps to fade scars

A simple and inexpensive way to lighten your toxic load!

Why You Should Eat An Avocado A Day
Protect Your Eyes with Lutein
Avocados provide the lutein necessary to protect you from age-related eye degeneration.

Heart Healthy Oleic Acid
Oleic acid improves your cardiovascular system in addition Vitamin B6 and folic acid control homocysteine levels which are linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

High Fiber Content 
Avocados contain more natural fiber than any other fruit ,and this high fiber content aids in digesttion and helps regulate blood sugar.

Antioxidant Booster
Contains the master antioxidant `Glutathione`which boosts your body`s immune system and keeps your nervous system healthy.
Avocado Oil for Natural Hair Growth
Avocado oil benefits for hair
* Nourishes
* Moisturizes
* Rejuvenate
* Repairs damage
* Might prevent hair loss
Use it for
Sleek and shiny hair.
repairing split ends.
boosting hair growth.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Almond Oil Benefits

Almond Oil

Heat : High
Type of Oil : Monounsaturated
Smoke point : 430 F
Flavor : Nutty
Good for :Sauteing,stir-Frying, Searing, Baking
Health Benefits : High in omega-3 essential fatty acids

Benefits of Almond Oil For Hair

* Ability to penetrate the Scalp
Allowing the oil to nourish hair as it prows.

* Strengthens hair at the root
Preventing breakage and hair loss.

* Helps prevent gray hair
Stops melanin loss & naturally darkens

* Anti-Oxidant
Twice the anti-oxidant power of acai and 17 times that of pomegranate.

* Improves Scalp Health
Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties,treats dandruff and other scalp conditions.creates better environment for hair growth.

Benefits Of Sweet Almond Oil for Skin Care:

Lightens and moisturizes the Skin
Reduces stretch marks fades blemishes
Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
Improves blood circulation
Moisturizes skin
Lightens Skin

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Things Coconut Oil has been known to help

* Athletes foot and fungal infections
* Pimples and acne
* Dementia and Alzheimer`s
* Stretch marks
* Warts
* Burns,cuts ,and scrapes
* New tattoos
* Eczema and psoriasis
* Thrush
* Bladder infections
* Yeast  infections
* Ear  infections
* Cold and canker sores
* Heartburn.acid reflux,or indigestion
* Piles and hemorrhoids
* Menopausal dryness
* Pink eye
* Ulcers
* Dry and damaged hair
* Chicken pox and shingles
* Diaper rash and cradle cap
* Bee stings or bug bites
* Sore throats
* Allergies
* Lice

Amazing Health Benefits Of Coconut Wate

* Coconut Water Can Help You Lose Fat

For weight conscious people,this one of the most important health benefits of coconut water.Because it is
very low in fat,you can drink as much as you can without worrying about ingesting a lot of fattening agents,such as milk and the like.It can also help you feel full thus,decreasing your cravings for excessive foods.

* Coconut water can help prevent diabetes
As mentioned before,it is also very low in sugar so you`re actually preventing the onset of diabetes if you drink it.

* Coconut water can aid digestion

It has more hydrating properties than the average tap water so drinking it can certainly help your digestion well.Thus,you`ll be able to absorb food nutrients better and have casier bowel time when you drink it.

*  Coconut water can help fight viruses

Flu and herpes are some of the sicknesses caused by different kinds of viruses that attack the body.Coconut water has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties that can help you steer clear from these diseases and more!

*  Coconut water can help revitalize your cells and boost
you metabolism
It contains less sodium and more potassium than the average energy or sports drink that`s why it is a highly recommendable substitute for these expensive and artificial products.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Amazing Uses of Banana Peel Benefits

Bug Bites : Rub a banana peel on bug bites to soothe the skin and reduce itching.

Bruises: With restorative properties ,banana peel can speed up the healing of bruises.

Teeth whitening: Rub banana peel on your teeth for a couple of minutes every day,it will be noticeably whiter in a few weeks.But don`t forget to brush your teeth.

Acne: Soothe the inflammation and irritation of acne and reduce outbreaks. Rub the peel over the acne ( face or body ) every night.

Psoriasis: Rub a banana peel on the affected area once or twice daily,Banana have all the properties to  moisturize,reduce itchiness,and heal psoriasis providing noticeable differences in as little as a few days.

Rashes And itches: Banana peel is good for relieving the itch.Rub the peel over the rash twice daily until it is gone.

Headaches: Hold the banana peel across your forehead,it will help to cure headache.

Shoe Polish: Rub the banana peel on your  ( leather ) shoe,and then buff them up with a soft cloth.

Leather Polish: Leather jacket and furniture could benefit from those peels.Test a small area first before tackling your sofa with banana peel and buffing it with a soft cloth.

How to Whiten Your Teeth with Banana Peel

Take a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes.The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium,magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Beauty Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric for a Flawless Skin
Spot treatment , Dark circles , Anti aging , acne- free skin
* Reduces pores
* Reduces acne
* Prevents wrinkles
* Deters dandruff
* Reduces stretch marks
* Glowing skin
* Reduces pigmentation
* Reduces blackheads & blemishes.

Deep Facial  Cleansing

Mix honey and turmeric
1:1 and apply on the face.
Massage your face with tapping morements.
All the dirt will stick to your hands.

Science Confirms Turmeric as Effective As ( 14 ) Drugs

Turmeric As Effective As

Lipitor/Atorvastatin ( Cholesterol medication )
Corticosterioids ( Steroid medications )
Prozac & Imipramine ( antidepressant )
Aspirin ( blood thinner )
Anti-inflammatory drugs ( naproxen,ibuprofen,
celecoxib )
Oxaliplatin ( chemotherapy drug )
Metformin ( diabetes drug )

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Turmeric Health Benefits Research

Top Evidence - based Health Benefits Of Turmeric

* Natural antiinflammatory
* Natural antibiotic
* Natural antiseptic
* Natural analgesic
* Speeds up wound healing 
* Improves digestion
* Blood purifier
* Strengthens ligaments
* Skin tonic
* Helps Coughs
* Improves asthma
* Antiarthritic
* Slows progression of MS
* Helps prevent gas/bloating
* Lowers cholesterol
* Heals stomach ulcers
* Improves skin conditions
( psoriasis,eczema,etc)
* Helps prevet cancer ( breast,
leukemia )
* Prevents progression of alzheimer`s
* Aids in fat metabolism and weight management
* Reduces side effects of chemotherapy

Health Benefits Of fresh Turmeric juice

2,500 Years Of Turmeric Healing Power
Turmeric has been acknowledged as a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer substance.Three basic elements are required to bring out its healing power:
1) Cooking heat
2) A touch of black pepper for nutrient absorbing piperine 
3) A healthy fat of your choice to protect it from stomach acids for maximum benefits.

Health Benefits Of Turmeric 

* Anti-inflammatory
* Natural antibiotic
* Prevent prostate cancer
* Strengthens ligaments
* Treatment for skin disorders
* Cure coug
* Pervents asthma
* Reduce risk of colon cancer
* Treat depression
* Prevent Alzheimer`s
* Reduces arthritis
* Detoxify the liver
* Blood purifier
* Boost metabolism
* Anti -oxidant
* Reduce risk of blood clots
* Prevents storke
* Reduce bad cholesterol
* Improves digestion
* Slow the progression of multiple sclerosis

Turmeric Smoothie

1 Cup coconut milk
1/2 Cup frozen mango chunks
1 fresh banana
1/2 tbsp . turmeric 
1/2 tbsp . cinnamon
1/2 tbsp . ginger
1/2 tbsp . chia seeds

Mix all the ingredient.Enjoy drinking this healthy smoothie

Top Ten Health Benefits Asparagus

Anti-inflammatory anti-cancer properties improves blood pressure improves blood sugar controls blood fat levels provides antioxidant nutrients vitamin C,beta-carotene,vitamin E,and the minerals zinc,manganese & selenium good amounts of glutathione rich in inulin for digestive tract health rich in fiber - low in sodum good amount of protein reduces risk of type 2 diabetes excellent source of B vitman 1 cup raw = 69% RDA of vitman K anti-aging qualities contains calcium & magnesium in the ideal ratio of 2.1relieves PMS bloating

Garlic Roasted Asparagus

2 pounds asparagus,tough ends trimmed,rinsed & patted dry 
3 Tblsp extra -virgin olive oil
1 1/2 Tblsp minced garlic 
Himalayan Salt
Freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice


Preheat oven to 425 F in a large glass baking dish.toss
the asparagus with the olive oil and
garlic Season lightly with sat & pepper & toss
Bake until the asparagus are tender & lightly browned
15,20 minutes,depending upon thickness of the staks
stirring twice remove from the oven & toss with the
lemon juice adjust the seasoning,to taste
serve warm or at room temperature.

Asparagus  for kidney Health

Asparagus is a super food.It`s a high alkaline vegetable and a great source of potassium,folate and vitamin k,which is essential for blood clotting and strong bones.It also contains rutin,which helps to protect your blood vessels and it contains quercetin which is an anti-inflammatory and cancer fighting flavonoid.

Specifications On All Of  The Urinary System

* Helps support and facilitate kidney function
* Increases urine production ( diuretic )
* Soothing to the urinary system
* Anti-edema - especially with excess fluid from around the heart
* Kidney and bladder cleanser
* Boosts cellular action in the kidneys
* Breaks up uric acid - therefore excellent for gout and kidney stones

Asparagus can be eaten raw,grilled,or lightly steamed.It can also be juiced for those who want to do some serious kidney cleansing

Sunday, August 24, 2014

List Of Health Benefits of Cucumbers

Antioxidant properties anti-inflammatory benefits anti-cancer benefits rich source of vitamin C,beta-carotene & manganese free radical scavenger anti-estrogenic effects helps with hydration helps with blood pressure beneficial for pyorrhea aids in digestion helpful with constipation natural remedy for treating tapeworms high silica content helps brittle nails may relieve gout & arthritis pain beneficial for diabetes may reduce cholesterol levels may help with kidney stones aids in weight loss good source of B vitamins effective hangover cure.

Cucumber Juice Recipes for Healthy Skin

Juice : 2 cucumbers, 1/2 inch slice of ginger,,1 lemon

Juice : 2 cucumbers, handful of mint

Juice : 2 cucumber,3 stalks of celery ,1 lemon, 1/2 inch
slice of ginger

Benefits Of Cucumbers

Relieve gout and arthritis pain , Beneficial for teeth and gums , Keep your body hydrated , Control blood pressure , promotes joint health , Stimulate hair growth , High silica content , Reduces cholesterol , Acts as a diuretic , Aid in weight loss , Treat tapeworms , Fight cancers , Aid digestion

Skin & Hair Care Benefits Of Cucumbers :

Gets rid of puffy eyes , Aids in treating sun burnt skin , Helps you get a fair and glowing skin , Gets rid of acne marks and other blemishes, Improves skin`s complexion and texture , Protects skin against signs of ageing , Helps you to get stronger hair , Protects hair against chlorine damage , Helps to get rid of cellulite.
Cucumbers water is great for : Detoxification , Anti-aging , Bone health , Healing.

Health Benefits Of Cucumbers

* Reduces the swelling around the eyes

* diuretic
* expel toxins from the digestive system
* promote joint health
* expel tapeworms
* rich in silica content
* reduce uric acid
* Treat sore teeth and gums
* cure diabetes
* 90 percent water

Clear Glowing Skin
2  Cups of  filtered water 
Juice of 1 Organic lemon
1/2 tbep of organic row heney
1 organic peeled cucumber

Health Benefits Of Cucumbers
It is one of the very low calorie vegetables
It is a very good source of potassium 
Cucumbers contains unique anti-oxidants
Cucumbers have mild diuretic property
They surprisingly have a high amount of vitamin K

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Homage Matrix Inverter with Charger UPS ( HMx 3001 )

Pure Sine-wave inverter with Charger

3000VA/2400watts/24VDc/230VAc Pure Sine-wave
Capable of starting electric motor 1.5HP
Embedded with 3-stage,20Amp Charger
Multiple protection On Voltage,temperature and lead
Dual-Color LCD interface ( actual display color may vary )
Cost - effective as compared to generator

HMx-3001 Price in Pakistan 30,000

Homage UPS HMx 2001 Matrix+Plus

HMx-2001 Homage UPs
Modified sine-wave inverter with charger

2000VA/1320watts/24VDc/230VAc ( Isolate )
Made using Advanced PCBA technology used in space missions
Provides Critical overload/overcharging protection
Multi-function LCD with LED indicators and beeper alarms
Cost-effective as compared to generator

HMx-2001 Homage UPs Price in Pakistan 10,000

Homage UPS HMx 1001 Matrix+Plus

HMx-1001 Homage UPs
Modified sine-wave inverter with charger.

1000VA/660watts/12VDc/230VAC ( Isolate )
Made using Advanced PCBA technology used in space missions
Provides Critical overload/overcharging protection
Multi-function LCD with LED indicators and beeper alarms
Cost-effective as compared to generator

HMx-1001 Homage UPs Price Pakistan 10,000

One Year Warranty

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Uses for Herbal Green Tea and Benefit

Green tea is one of those herbal remedies whose benefits are so numerous that they are hard to even list.It has been used as a traditional medicine for more than 4,000 years in indian and Chinese culture,and is even more popular today.

multiple sclerosis
Parkinson`s diseases
heart diseases
cardiovascular diseases.
impaired immune function
dental plaque
anti aging
viral & bacterial infections
increases stamina and boost
increases hydration
multiple sclerosis
ovarian cancer
cold and flu
Relieves joint pain
Cholesterol and weight
promotes healthy sleep

5 Cups Of Green Tea a day can help you lose weight,most of it around your belly.

Thirteen 13 Benefits Of Green Tea
Gives protection against cancer
Speeds up weight loss
Reduces breathing problems
Lowers severity of rheumatoid arthritis
Reduces the risk of heart diseases
Helps in stimulating smooth digestion
Reduces effects of obstructive sleep apnea
Reduces stress and depression
Helps in fighting infections
Boosts immune system
Prevents Alzheimer`s
Prevents tooth decay

Oral Health,Bone Health,Weight Loss,Heart Health,Anti-aging,Blood Pressure,Diabetes,Cholesterol,Immunity,Asthma,Ear infection,Liver Diseases
Flu and Cold

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

rich in health-promoting flavonoids 1 cup of green tea supplies 20-35 mg of EG CG ( pepper increases EG CG availability )
protects against cancer protects against death from all causes,especially cardiovascular disease rich supply of polyphenols calming qualities protects against coronary artery disease lowers risk of gallstones protects liver from harmful chemicals lowers risk of atherosclerosis by lowering LDL cholesterol,triglycerides,lipid peroxides& fibrinogen thins blood & helps provent blood clots lowers blood perssure minimizes damage to brain after stroke may help children with brain tumors promotes fat loss fights the flu protects against cognitive decline,Alzheimer`s & parkinson`s disease

Fruity Green Tea Smoothie 
Yield : Approximately two servings


5 green tea ice cubes
1/2 cup plain yogurt or kefir
1/2 banana
1/2 peach,sliced
1/2cup blueberries or strawberries

A day prior make a batch of green tea ice cubes with your favorite green tea.brew the tea a little stronger than normal.Blend the ingredients together in blender.gamish with a few more berries and enjoy

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Health Benefits Of Drinking Lemon water

          This fruit is oval to round in shape with a pronounced bulge at one end.Its appearance is simillar to lime except that it has a thick and leathery skin.It contains a very high level of vitamin C.Though,the inner flesh is extremely sour to be eaten,it is often used to add flavor to other ingredients and dishes due to its refreshing smell and tart flavor.

Lemons are loaded with vitamin C and are quite effective in curing digestion problems.They contain digestive juices,which facilitate digestion,thus relieving heartburn,bloating,belching and gastric problems.

Lemons juice or lemon water for high blood pressure is beneficial for people with heart disease,thanks to its high potassium content.

Lemon plays an important role in dental care.You can add a few drops of this juice to your toothpaste to get perfect white teeth as well as to prevent bad breath.

The diuretic propert of lemon makes it beneficial for the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.It flushes out bacteria and toxins from the body and helps control inflammation.

5 Health Benefits Of warm water with lemon
This is a new tip for you to get a jump-start on the day:
a warm mug of water and half a lemon.
These are the benefits this small habit gives you.Try itl It can radically alter your experience of the day.

High in Vitamin C and potassium
It will boost your immune system,it fights colds,stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure.

High in pectin Fiber 
They aid with weight loss because they help fight hunger cravings.

Aids digestion
The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis and since lemons are high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama.or toxins in the digestive tract.

Alkaline Food
Lemons balance the pH,they are the key to good health ( people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster )

Hydrates the lympH system
It helps prevent dehydration and adrenal fatigue,helping the body perform all of its proper functions.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

14 August 1947 Pakistan Independence Day

Happy independence Day 14 August 1947

Celebrating with you the pride of  being a Pakistani
Happy independence day
14 August 1947
Let us celebrate.....
This day with grand jubilation....
wishing you a very Happy
Pakistan independence day
May Allah Bless our Pakistan very happy independence day
My patriotic heart beats green and white.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Healing Power of Cabbage And Benefits

abundant in vitamin C rich in fiber rich in sulphur rich in iodine beneficial detoxifier helps with constipation boosts immune system anti-bacterial anti-viral Improves blood flow reduces free radicals helps with gastric ulcers raw cabbage juice contains the antiulcer factor.vitamin U
benefits the nervous system lowers risk of colon cancer anti-inflammatory helps with endocrine system rich in glucosinolates source of indole-3carbinol relieves painfully engorged breasts in breastfeeding ( leaves ) low calorie reduces cholesterol promotes healthy digestive system boosts energy repairs damaged skin cells
eat cabbage and Use cabbage leaf  for psoriasis relief,Cabbage is diuretic and helps eliminate fluid retention,It is a natural antacid suitable for stomach pain,Consumption is recommended in cases of heartburn and ulcers,It has anti-inflammatory properties to treat gastrointestinal inflammation ( diverticulitis,gastritis.etc )

Cabbage Benefits
* Contains immune-boosting vitamin C
* A good source of vitamin K for promoting a strong heart
* Keeps your eyes healthy`with it`s content of zeaxanthin and lutein
* Great source of digestive -friendly fiber
* Full of flavonoids that act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents.
* Has been shown to have cholesterol-lowering benefits
* Contains sinigrin to aid in preventing cancer
* A good source of potassium,calcium,and manganese
* Abundant in vitamin C
- Rich in fiber
- A great source of antioxidants
- Can help reduce inflammation
- Helps boost brain function
- Natural and effective cholesterol reducer
- Contains sulfer-based compounds called glucosinolates,which have anti-carcinogenic properties
- High in water content
- Economical to serve
- Available year round
- An impressive cruciferous vegetable
- Rich in polyphenols
* Lowers cholesterol
* Prevents certain cancers like bladder,colon and prostate cancers
* Excellent source of vitamin C
* High in antioxidants like polyphenols
* Rich in anti-inflammatory compounds

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Benefits of Goji Berries

Promote longevity calm the nervous system Nourish the blood boost immune system fight free-radials contain anti-aging properties prevent fatigue Increase Libido Promote healthy vision and skin Protect the liver complete protein source

Goji Berries Contain :
21 trace minerals ( including copper, Zinc, iron, calcium and selenium ),18 amino acids, antioxidants, an anti-inflammatory agent, 8 polysaccharides and 6 monosaccharides, Vitamin C, Vitamins B1,B6 & E

Benefits of Goji Berries
* Powerful antioxidant
* Maintains healthy blood pressure
* Reduces cholesterol
* Promotes normal blood sugar
* Enhances sexual function
* Improves your vision
* Supports healthy liver function
* Treats menopausal symptoms
* Improves fertility
* Alleviates aniety and stress
* Supports normal kidney function
* Strengthens your muscles and bones
* Improves your memory and recall ability
* Helps chronic dry cough
* Relieves insomnia and improves quality of sleep
* Improves disease resistance

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Astounding whith fruits And Vegetables

These powerful foods contain EGCG.beta-glucans.and jumpstart natural B and T cells to reduce the risk of breast.colon.hormone related and prostate cancers.

1.Immune System Booster
Pears contain antioxidants such as vitamin cand copper and are considered to be a hypoallergenic food.

2.Stop a Stroke & Lower Cholesterol
Apples contains querretin which acts like an anti-histamine and an anti-inflammatory agent.

3. Increase Heppiness
Bananas contain tryptophan.which can regulate your moods,help you relax,and feel happier.

4.Cancer Prevention
Ginger was found to kill ovarian and colon cancer cells effectively.and relieve heartburn.

5. Slows Bone Loss & Regulates Blood Sugar
Chromium in onions ass is t with blood sugar control.

6. Keeps your Heart Strong
Packed with vitamin B6.potassium.& iron- potatoes help steady your blood pressure level.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Ten Ginger Benefits And Juice Recipe

Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Ginger may be powerful weapon in the treatment Of ovarian cancer.A study conducted at the University Of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that ginger powder induces cell death in all ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied.

Colon Cancer Prevention
A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

Morning Sickness
A review of several studies has concluded that ginger is just aseffective as Vitmin B6 in the treatment of  morning sickness.

Migraine Relief
Research has shown that ginger may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.

Cold And Flu Prevention & Treatment
Many people also find ginger to be helpful in the case of stomach flus or food poisoning,which is not surprising given the positive effects ginger has upon the digestive tract.

Prevention Of Diabetic Nephropathy
A study done on diabetic rats found that those rats ginger had a reduced incidence of diabetic nephropathy ( kidney damage ).

Ginger Juice Recipe
Feel Good From Root To Top Ginger Juice


1 inch slice ginger root

1 fresh lemon

juice of 5__6 carrots with tops

1 seeded apple

Juice all ingredients with a juicer or use a high powered blender and strain the mixture with a nut milk bag.

Motion Sickness Remedy
Ginger has been shown to be an effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness.

Reduces Pain And Inflammation
One study showed that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is a powerful natural painkiller.

Heartburn Relief
Ginger has long been used as a natural heartburn remedy.It is most often taken in the form of tea for this purpose.

Menstrual Cramp Relief
In Chinese medicine,ginger tea with brown sugar is used in the treatment of menstrual

Benefits And Used Of Ginger Root
* Anti-coagulant-makes blood platelets less sticky,thus reducing the risks of heart diseases

* Stops common cold

* Relieves disorders in the digestive tract like heartburn,indigestion,constipation,diarrhea,IBS and excessive flatulence

* Relieves muscle pain and soreness

* Relieves pain caused by inflammation and joint pains

* Regulates menstruation cycle And many more....

Thursday, July 3, 2014

RamadanThe Best Time to Quit Smoking

Ramadan the best time to quit smoking
Ramadan is ideal time to quit smoking 
Quit smoking during Ramadan ul mubarak
Time to quit for smokers Ramadan ul mubarak
Now is the time to stop smoking
If you can stop smoking during Ramadan,
you can stop smoking for good
And do not kill your-selves (or one another).
indeed,Allah is to you ever Merciful.
{Quran 4:29}

why i want to quit smoking
1.My wife is giving birth soon,
i don`t want to set bad examples
2.My high blood pressure is getting worse

A Need of willpower to Quit Smoking
Advantages of Quitting Smoking an 
Affect of Smoking on mothers womb
All about Smoking 
Believe in facts
Can Quitting the final Cigaret
Developing a habit can be dangerous

nokia 110 ( 147 * )keypad button not working solution

Nokia 110 Keypad 1 4 7 * Keys No Solution.How working to fix the problem on the phone keypad Nokia 110, 110 after the phone is exposed to water there are certain keys that do not work, and even then no one that does not work with security key (4 * 17) of the downward trend does not work at all.
If our current test model works well, sometimes people think that the problem is jalaur break, it is true, in part, technicians must tend to the dashed lines, the problem is what? That's because Nokia phones in a way permasalahanya sebelumnyapun and breaklines can do to fix the bridge.
But if the problems in the Nokia 110 is not a problem because the route of cutting current / voltage out when tested using a multitester, and to break the lines in the test / check is not possible to use a multitester voltage / out there is in the call path breaking.
Now is the time to change the trend of the newest model Nokia, the keyboard would not work because it is one of the components / resistors short / broken as water exposed to mold, therefore, now please drainage / delete the phone immediately after hitting the water and what plug before draining the battery until the phone is completely dry.
Nokia test solution 110 keyboard, the solution is to get rid of the resistance of Yanga at the bottom of the lamp of the temple, so you can meliha details listed above scheme has been in complete instructions and resistances to be removed so that the keyboard can function returned to normal.
Hopefully this time the solution is really useful and can help workers of mobile services can only be shared through the site "CELL ISP" is, good luck good luck the problem.

7 Ways to Silm Down for Summer Parties

7 Ways to Silm Down for Summer Parties

Seven ways to Silm Down for Summer Parties that are quickly approaching
Simple 7 ways to Stay Silm

1.Learn how to balance nutrition and exercise
2.Seek out healthy versions of `forbidden`high fat and high- calorie foods which taste as good
3.Permit yourself occasional treats of favourite `bad`foods such as chocolate
4.Eat 20 per cent less,and leave small amounts of food despite social pressure to `clean your plate`
5.Create a series of tenminute walking trips throughout your day 
6.Weigh yourself daily to see how weight naturally fluctuates
7.Understand your own `five pound fluctuation range`which factors in water retention and over-eating on holiday

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How to Quit Smoking

Advantages Of Quitting Smoking and Disadvantages Of Smoking

Do you know that around 1000 Americans are dying everyday because of smoking?
One out of every six men is dying in United States because of smoking.It is quite clear now that smoking is one of the major causes of death.If you smoke then you are also enhancing the chances of diseases that will end up in death.The major diseases due to smoking are the coronary heart disease,lung cancer and sevser problems regarding throat,bladder,kidney and pancreas.Most of the diseases are so severe that there

Quit Smoking Tips
A need of willpower to quit smoking
Advantages of quitting smoking an...
Affect of smoking on mothers womb
All about smoking
Believe in Facts
Can quitting the finalcigaret...
Developing a habit can be dangerous
Do you still want to switch onto smo
Do you want to free yourself of he...
Does smoking rob you of your faci...
educate your child on smoking
Enjoy life after quitting smok...
Exercise -a friend for whole life