Thursday, July 24, 2014

Astounding whith fruits And Vegetables

These powerful foods contain EGCG.beta-glucans.and jumpstart natural B and T cells to reduce the risk of breast.colon.hormone related and prostate cancers.

1.Immune System Booster
Pears contain antioxidants such as vitamin cand copper and are considered to be a hypoallergenic food.

2.Stop a Stroke & Lower Cholesterol
Apples contains querretin which acts like an anti-histamine and an anti-inflammatory agent.

3. Increase Heppiness
Bananas contain tryptophan.which can regulate your moods,help you relax,and feel happier.

4.Cancer Prevention
Ginger was found to kill ovarian and colon cancer cells effectively.and relieve heartburn.

5. Slows Bone Loss & Regulates Blood Sugar
Chromium in onions ass is t with blood sugar control.

6. Keeps your Heart Strong
Packed with vitamin B6.potassium.& iron- potatoes help steady your blood pressure level.

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