Saturday, August 30, 2014

Amazing Uses of Banana Peel Benefits

Bug Bites : Rub a banana peel on bug bites to soothe the skin and reduce itching.

Bruises: With restorative properties ,banana peel can speed up the healing of bruises.

Teeth whitening: Rub banana peel on your teeth for a couple of minutes every day,it will be noticeably whiter in a few weeks.But don`t forget to brush your teeth.

Acne: Soothe the inflammation and irritation of acne and reduce outbreaks. Rub the peel over the acne ( face or body ) every night.

Psoriasis: Rub a banana peel on the affected area once or twice daily,Banana have all the properties to  moisturize,reduce itchiness,and heal psoriasis providing noticeable differences in as little as a few days.

Rashes And itches: Banana peel is good for relieving the itch.Rub the peel over the rash twice daily until it is gone.

Headaches: Hold the banana peel across your forehead,it will help to cure headache.

Shoe Polish: Rub the banana peel on your  ( leather ) shoe,and then buff them up with a soft cloth.

Leather Polish: Leather jacket and furniture could benefit from those peels.Test a small area first before tackling your sofa with banana peel and buffing it with a soft cloth.

How to Whiten Your Teeth with Banana Peel

Take a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes.The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium,magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them.

1 comment:

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