Thursday, August 21, 2014

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

rich in health-promoting flavonoids 1 cup of green tea supplies 20-35 mg of EG CG ( pepper increases EG CG availability )
protects against cancer protects against death from all causes,especially cardiovascular disease rich supply of polyphenols calming qualities protects against coronary artery disease lowers risk of gallstones protects liver from harmful chemicals lowers risk of atherosclerosis by lowering LDL cholesterol,triglycerides,lipid peroxides& fibrinogen thins blood & helps provent blood clots lowers blood perssure minimizes damage to brain after stroke may help children with brain tumors promotes fat loss fights the flu protects against cognitive decline,Alzheimer`s & parkinson`s disease

Fruity Green Tea Smoothie 
Yield : Approximately two servings


5 green tea ice cubes
1/2 cup plain yogurt or kefir
1/2 banana
1/2 peach,sliced
1/2cup blueberries or strawberries

A day prior make a batch of green tea ice cubes with your favorite green tea.brew the tea a little stronger than normal.Blend the ingredients together in blender.gamish with a few more berries and enjoy

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