Friday, September 5, 2014

Avocado Oil

Heat : High

Type of oil : Monounsaturated
Smoke point :510`f
Flavor :Mild,neutral
Good for :Popcorn
HealthBenefits:High in vitamins A,B1,B2,D and E
Contains Vitamins A,D, and E
Moisturizes deeply
Perfect for dry and aging skin

Avocado Oil Benefits
Nature`s Best Anti-aging Moisturizer!
Contains Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free radicals and slows the signs of aging.

Hydrates the skin,leaving you with a healthy,non-greasy glow that doesn`t clog the pores

Stimulates collagen production and improves skin elasticity

Reduces the appearance of age spots and helps to fade scars

A simple and inexpensive way to lighten your toxic load!

Why You Should Eat An Avocado A Day
Protect Your Eyes with Lutein
Avocados provide the lutein necessary to protect you from age-related eye degeneration.

Heart Healthy Oleic Acid
Oleic acid improves your cardiovascular system in addition Vitamin B6 and folic acid control homocysteine levels which are linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

High Fiber Content 
Avocados contain more natural fiber than any other fruit ,and this high fiber content aids in digesttion and helps regulate blood sugar.

Antioxidant Booster
Contains the master antioxidant `Glutathione`which boosts your body`s immune system and keeps your nervous system healthy.
Avocado Oil for Natural Hair Growth
Avocado oil benefits for hair
* Nourishes
* Moisturizes
* Rejuvenate
* Repairs damage
* Might prevent hair loss
Use it for
Sleek and shiny hair.
repairing split ends.
boosting hair growth.

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