Thursday, August 28, 2014

Turmeric Health Benefits Research

Top Evidence - based Health Benefits Of Turmeric

* Natural antiinflammatory
* Natural antibiotic
* Natural antiseptic
* Natural analgesic
* Speeds up wound healing 
* Improves digestion
* Blood purifier
* Strengthens ligaments
* Skin tonic
* Helps Coughs
* Improves asthma
* Antiarthritic
* Slows progression of MS
* Helps prevent gas/bloating
* Lowers cholesterol
* Heals stomach ulcers
* Improves skin conditions
( psoriasis,eczema,etc)
* Helps prevet cancer ( breast,
leukemia )
* Prevents progression of alzheimer`s
* Aids in fat metabolism and weight management
* Reduces side effects of chemotherapy

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