Wednesday, April 22, 2015

How to Look Younger Naturally

Use sunscreen

I can not stress this enough. A large percentage of the visible signs of aging (wrinkles, age spots) as a result of the cumulative effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin over time. Use sunscreen and you will keep them at bay.
Get enough sleep
The idea of ​​beauty sleep is not a myth. Your body needs time to refresh overnight and that includes the face, too. While you sleep, cells are busy repairing DNA damage since yesterday, so cuddle and give them the opportunity to get on with it.
Resolve to eat more oily fish
None of us consume enough essential fatty acids also help our brain to function more smoothly are considered vital to keep skin cell-membranes in good health and therefore leave the skin from drying too.
Drink a lot of water
Particularly difficult to do at this time of year it is much easier to achieve for warming coffee, tea or hot strikeouts. It will moisturize your skin directly, but will improve the way your inner work and good bowel health is soon reflected in the glowing skin.
Take yoga classes
It is soothing, distressing, improve your posture, helps loosen the knots of stress we all accumulate in our bodies and can be done anywhere. All you need is the space to unwind a yoga mat. In addition, yoga devotees usually look remarkably youthful - and if you can not beat them, why not join and see if it works its magic for you.
Cut sugar from your diet
The body does not need and sugar, according to nutritionists and skin experts, exacerbates a process called glycation, which accelerates aging of the skin.
Add the strange facial in your beauty regimen
TLC regular professional skin care pay dividends in terms of a fresher-looking skin with more bloom and spring to it. If you feel guilty about treating yourself, ask for one as a gift.
Check your makeup
Most of us are guilty of falling into a time warp makeup and ignoring the fact that what we came five or 10 years ago might not look so good today. In addition, the cosmetic formulations are constantly improving, so the newest products are more pleasant to use, with better results.
Exercise regularly
If it comes to walking the dog, rock climbing or diving, anything you put in motion will improve your circulation. That in turn will encourage blood flow to the skin and help give young people a healthy glow improve.
Give up smoking
Just in case you need another reason to quit. Is deprived of oxygen to the skin, accelerates skin aging accelerate collagen degradation, which means more wrinkles - faster. Oh, and is not good for your health either.
Take meditation
It is not the most obvious way, perhaps, to roll back the years, but if you can learn to make the odd patch of focus and stillness in your life, it will help. Get into the habit of relaxing your face while you concentrate on your breathing will facilitate the lines of stress and worry that we all develop over the years.
Eat more good bacteria
If you have what nutritionists call intestinal dysbiosis, or an unhealthy gut, this is reflected in the condition of your skin. Taking acidophilus, a probiotic supplement every day will improve levels of good intestinal flora, which should soon result in healthier skin.
Take expert advice on hair color
"Having a lighter strands around the face suits almost everyone and take years off your face," says Susan Baldwin, creative consultant for John Frieda color.
Learn to curl your lashes
Give them a grip with an eyelash curler, which looks like a giant pair of nail scissors with a clamp at the end, before applying mascara and see how open your eyes.
Wear Blush
Get right blusher - the right color in the right place - and his face will instantly fresher and livelier. The easiest way to start is with a pure gel blush - easier to use and spread thinly. Smile, pat on the apples of your cheeks and blend and from there to the hairline. And remember that less is more.
Get a haircut
Update your hairstyle can be enough to make you look years younger and a fringe hides a multitude of lines. Cosmetic surgeons are usually sent to prospective clients out for a makeover; often a haircut will give them the confidence to jump the scalpel.
Spend time doing things that make you happy
You'll feel better and look better as a result. And in the same vein, try to smile a little more. It's more enjoyable for everyone else and fools the body to change your mood. It also uses fewer muscles than frowning.
Enjoy a professional makeup lesson
Many employees of large counters stores makeup is professional makeup artists. Seek one out and see what they can suggest to you. And if you do not like, all you have to do is clean it and try elsewhere.
No dieting too strong
It is the law of grass, but if you lose enough weight to make an appreciable difference in the size of your stomach and hips, the other place where the loss is really in your face. You do not want to end up looking haggard - even the word is aging.
Practice relaxation
We're all super busy these days, which raises levels of stress, which is aging itself. Relaxation is a habit that can be learned. Taking the time, watching the clouds, practicing deep breathing - that will help alleviate the stress and worry lines that are installed in the middle of habit and then become a permanent part of the landscape of our faces.
Find the shade of lipstick that suits you
The right color, either nude or beige-and cherry, face lights up. Experiment makeup counters, and seek Bobbi Brown Lipstick Rueda (at counters nationwide), which says that if you are, for example, a "Tul Brown" kind of girl, other colors also work for you.
Have more sex

Studies have found that couples making love are often more than 10 years younger than the average adult having sex less often years. Current thinking is that the pleasure derived from sex is a crucial factor in the preservation of youth.

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